The VisionPromoting Youth Development and Supporting Charitable Needs
Community Hope Fund (CHF) is a 501c (3) non-profit organization whose mission is to promote youth development
and support the charitable needs for the Township of Ocean and surrounding communities.
CHF programs include, but are not limited to:
Youth Development / Grants / Family Assistance / Individual Assistance /
Other Charitable Needs

CHF is not part of the Township of Ocean Human Services Department. It is a separate entity. However, as a non-profit, CHF works in conjunction with the department to ensure confidentiality for all individuals and families.
The Mission...Support healthy youth development through our grant program.

Community Programs

CHF supports developmental assets in youth as
established by the Search Institute. Developmental Assets are the personal relationships, opportunities, and qualities that help youth to thrive and protect them from harmful and unhealthy choices. After school and other programs cultivate developmental assets in youth by:
Promoting constructive use of time
Building self-esteem
Fostering a love of learning
Reinforcing emotional health and
physical well-being.
Youth Development through our yearly Grant Program
...The communityOngoing Programs

Thanksgiving Food Drive
Every fall CHF sponsors an annual Thanksgiving Food Drive in collaboration with the Township of Ocean Human Services Department. Donations are usually accepted during the end of October and delivered the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving. Baskets can also be picked up on that day.
Adopt-a-Family Program
CHF matches donors with recipient families within Ocean Township to provide holiday gifts through our Adopt a Family program.
CHF relies on the generosity of our residents and neighboring businesses to help with the basic needs or our community and support healthy youth development through our grant program....neighbor assistanceHelping through the hard times.

The TeamCHF Board of Trustees
Denise Parlamas, President
Richard Long, Vice President
Anne Marie Sparaco, Corresponding Secretary
Robin Lauria, Recording Secretary
Carl Cappadona, Treasurer
Debbie Arbus
Judy Bonifianti
Marie Curtis
Shelley Eilenberg
Debbie Fromkin
JoAnn Strollo
Sharon Moleski, MA, LPC LCADC, NCC; Department of Human Services Liaison

Providing Grants
Our grant program supports healthy youth development to non-profit community-based organizations.
Community Programs
Our non-profit works together with the Township of Ocean Human Services Department to run programs throughout the year to help individuals and families in our town through our food drive and Adopt A Family Program.
Working with the greater Ocean Township community to help families in need.The NewsSee what we’re up to.
The InfoOur stats at a glance.